
Manage and demonstrate compliance with each regulation and sector-specific standards that applies to your organisation.

Monitor compliance levels across locations to track progress against targets from both a strategic and operational perspective with our Compliance Module.

The flexible compliance solution

Micad’s Compliance Module enables you to create as many compliance elements and sub elements as you like. From fire risk assessment to legionella reports and lift inspections, this module publishes evidence based information with the ability to assign responsibility for elements and actions to named individuals. Each document is risk rated with notifications set to inform those responsible of a document expiry or outstanding actions. There are also reports and dashboards to show you exactly the status of compliance at a glance.

View your compliance on the move

As with other IPR applications the compliance module enables users to view read only information on the move with a range of mobile devices.

Evidencing you compliance level for each element and property couldn’t be easier!


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Micad Software